He never went to seminary. he didn't write a get money get paid christian book. I don't think he ever prayed for someone and made them fall and shake. He didn't have an awesome worship team in his church. He didn't have a fancy logo for his mission trip or youth bowling outing. He didn't attack the government or try to reform it. He didn't have business meetings at church. He didn't do much actually.
I think that people who say they hate jesus world prolly hang out with him of he were son of God in flesh right now instead of 2000 years ago. He doesn't do much of what the church does now. I'm not attacking any churchs. I love church. go to church.
I just wanna refresh those old sunday school thoughts of jesus. He loves the little children. He heals. He feeds. He took care of widows and he met needs. I love that about him.
A need is something that if not met, life ends. What's a need then? Water. Food. Warmth. Love. That's all I can think of. Time and time again in. scripture he looks past everything and meets needs. The church does alot of great things. Lets keep it up. As long as we're doing those things we're christ like.
And once we do those for things, I believe that we can start walking in his savior shoes and lead some hearts that have been fed, watered, and clothed to jesus.
Think about jesus today
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