Sunday, August 7, 2011


all's good in my world. been working hard and loving harder.i've got nothing real to say but i want to keep this thing updated. i've been writing some good music. stuff i'm really proud of and stuff i'd rather play and sing than any other song out there. thats how i think you can tell if you're a good writer. if you like to play your stuff more than anybody else's. i went and saw paige friday. she's great and i love being with her. it stinks that she lives so far away, but everytime i do get to see her, its special and magical. i wouldn't change a thing in my life. well maybe the two hour distance

jesus is good as usual. my christian walk has seemed kinda slow. things that used to seem big don't anymore. i think that means its my time to go more intimate with him. not a bad problem to have actually. i just want and long for more of him. what used to cut it doesn't anymore.

btw, you should listen to andy mckee and hammock. its what i'm feeling right now. you should also go climb. its fun and an experience. you study the rock and try everything to get to the top and when you feel its impossible, you'll succeed very soon. its spiritual for me. god's on that rock as much is he's in a guitar, or a girl, or a walk. he'll see you through and enjoy life with you. he's been so good. he's looking to fellowship with you.

love you guys,

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