life has been wild. too wild.
so i lost it for about a month but as always, i fell into the presence of the lord somehow. i was acting like an idiot and lost my mind. i gave into my fleshly desires and really fell away from the lord. first time i've ever really lived like that. i'm glad i had an encounter. it was the first one i have had in long, long time. it happened at a prayer meeting and i can't quite explain what happened but i'll try.
i was laying in the floor when the conviction of the lord came upon me. i wept and groaned for hours. during this time, i felt like i was sinking into the floor and i could not physically breathe, so much that i couldn't not form words to pray. never in my life have a had a physical encounter with the lord like that. it was very much a terrifying experience. i learned that God doesn't care about your beliefs, he cares about your heart and what you are and aren't putting in it.
it took and encounter for me, and as a father to the younger kids in our youth group, that is what i'm asking the father. me and blake are devoting our lives to fathering these kids and we don't know what to ask. so i've been using that since its what i needed. it just takes one encounter, one real moment with jesus that will grasp your attention. what they do with that is their own responsibility. i know the last real encounter i had i ran as far from charismatic christianity as i could. hopefully tonight i'll get to pray and speak into some one and that we'll see signs wonders and miracles. lord knows we need them
i know you're wondering so i'll just say it. me and paige broke up, but i'm over it.
also i'm getting a loan tomorrow for an amp.
also i feel cleaner and more christ like than i ever have. i still fail of course but im seeking him more than ever and he's doing a mighty work in me.
stick it
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