Tuesday, December 20, 2011


i am getting ready to drive to birmingham to play with a friend of mine, jonathan newman. we're practicing for a few days coming up that we're leading worship at. i'm playing lead guitar. get you some of that. i'm pretty excited cause i get to play kunde's parts on you are my passion from jesus cultures cd that came out last year. i love that riff so much. i think i'm gonna do him justice. i might even add my own personality to it.

also, i will be leading a worship set during the arks 24/7 worship in januray. tuesdays at 9pm i believe. you should come and make fun of me. don't really have any songs in mind except one i wrote. i don't even know what i want to sound like either. don't even know if i want to play electric or acoustic. this week i'm leaning towards the electric. but if i had to guess, we'd be like jonathan david helser, john mark mcmillian, hammock, and fervent all thrown into a blender. but who knows. chad and ole forrest are gonna have my back so they'll add extra smoothness to the mix.

no ladies for now and i've planned it that way. i'll get back to the game after the holidays.

god's been good as always and i'm planning on 2012 to be the year it gets solid. i'm back into the swing of christianity not that i really went anywhere but you know what i mean. i'm learning about god and myself and where i need to be in life. its somewhere involved with music and caring for people. maybe working with people less fortunate by day and singing/playing guitar at night. but all these years i've been hurting cause i'm not singing or playing somewhere god's promises where always there. they're not even close to where i want them to be but i'm in a good place and i wouldn't trade them for anything. he's taught me so much lately.

mainly, god is teaching me that i don't need a map, i just need a ear to hear and feet willing to go wherever he says. i imagine i'll travel soon but who knows. my parents are always on my case about going back to school but something in me says no almost like i might be leaving soon. to where? i don't know but i can feel like.

the light shines in the darknes, and the darkness can never extinguish it - john 1: 5

-j wiggly

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